Hi there i’m a web developer, i have been using Ruby on Rails for almost 5 years now, i created this blog so that you guys and girls can learn how to use rails for quickly prototyping your web applications or even creating entire project or websites with it.
In the early years when i was just starting to use rails, i used to hit a roadblock most of the time when building advanced web applications with rails, as because rails follows ‘convention over configuration’ approach, this means that rails follows strict rules on how the app should be designed or developed and no other methodology or design patterns are allowed except the ones that is provided by rails, this is great when it comes to security, but when building some advanced web applications, we would want to add custom methodology and custom design patterns to our apps.
So, I have created this blog to help you overcome those roadblocks, without losing the ‘convention over configuration’ methodology and by following default rails design patters, and to build even the most complex type of web applications.
contact me if you need any help on developing, deploying or customizing your rails applications.
Hope i can help everyone,
My GITHUB: https://github.com/railshero
E-Mail: admin@railshero.pw